Protests at Maastricht University - Update 2

13 May 2024

The Executive Board of Maastricht University, the faculty board of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), and the campaigning students and staff have agreed that a small group of 'observers' can remain on the grounds of FASoS tonight. The rest of the protesters have left the premises. The agreement applies specifically to tonight. After that, the situation will be reviewed on a day-by-day basis. 

That dialogue is open only to students and staff from our community, either individuals or certain bodies such as the University Council. All involved are keen to create an environment where dialogue can take place within our community with our students and staff. It has therefore been agreed that visitors must be able to identify themselves with a UM card when entering.

It was also agreed that inconvenience to local residents should be avoided. 

The Executive Board attaches great importance to students and staff with a different perspective on the conflict in the Middle East being given the space to enter into dialogue with the Board as well. This is in line with the 'broad dialogue' that the Executive Board has also followed so far with all stakeholders. How this new, additional opportunity for conversation will be shaped, will be announced in a subsequent update as soon as possible.

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