Faculty of Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science and Engineering

The Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) is home to several outstanding departments in education and research. Students and scientists contribute to education programmes at the bachelor's, master's and PhD levels and take part in innovative research in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


  • Quantum Computers

    What is Quantum?

    Atoms and smaller elementary particles behave in unusual, sometimes unpredictable ways. It sounds strange, but it is this unpredictability that gives a quantum computer its power. Executing precise calculations with previously unheard-of possibilities in a way that physicists still do not completely...

  • Gerco Onderwater investigates the flavour of the universe while guarding the flavour of the Maastricht Science Programme. On 31 May, during his inaugural lecture, he will provide a pre-taste of his work in Maastricht. 

  • The perfect recycling of plastics from household waste is one step closer, thanks to research into quality monitoring at all stages of the recycling process. The University of Maastricht, the National Test Centre Circular Plastics, and their collaborators have received a government subsidy of over...

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  • 04 Jun 06 Jun

    SWIM 2024

    The Summer Workshop on Interval Methods provides a platform for researchers working on or with interval methods and their applications. 

  • 11 Jun
    15:00 - 17:00

    Foundation Programme | Live information session

    Curious about the Foundation Programme and studying in Maastricht? Join Our live information session and get the info you need before our early application deadline.

  • 18 Jun
    14:30 - 17:30

    Theater performance: Science Communication: Rewarded!

    How can science communication become a fully-fledged part of academic work?Using recognisable situations, the actors in this interactive theatre performance challenge you to engage with each other about recognising and rewarding science communication at Maastricht University.

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