29 Jan 31 Jan
12:00 - 16:15

Joint ORBEL - NGB conference on Operations Research at Maastricht University

Joint ORBEL - NGB Conference on Operations Research

The conference is intended as a meeting place for researchers, users and potential users of Operational Research, Statistics, Computer Science and related fields. It will provide managers, practitioners, and researchers with a unique opportunity to exchange information on quantitative techniques for decision-making.​

The joint conference will take place at the School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University, and will be organized by the Department of Quantitative Economics, section Operations Research.

The objective of Operational Researchers is to work with clients to find practical and pragmatic solutions to operational or strategic problems, often working within tight timing constraints. Once a good or better way of proceeding has been identified, Operational Researchers can also be central to the management of implementing the proposed changes. 

Organizations may seek an extensive range of operational improvements - for example, greater efficiency, better customer service, higher quality or lower cost. Whatever the business engineering aim, OR can offer the flexibility and adaptability to provide objective help. Most of the problems OR tackles are messy and complex, often entailing considerable uncertainty. OR can use advanced quantitative methods, modelling, problem structuring, simulation and other analytical techniques to examine assumptions, facilitate an in-depth understanding and decide on practical action.

(Source: EURO)

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