UNU-MERIT building central hall


UMagazine offers insight into the key developments and achievements in education and research at Maastricht University. The magazine is printed three times a year.

The February edition includes a portrait of Frank Nellen, associate professor of Tax Law. Alongside his work for the university and the accountancy firm Baker Tilly, he is also a novelist. His second novel, The invisibles, received high praise in the major Dutch newspapers—a well-earned reward for four years of hard work.  

How can 3D models be preserved? This is the idea behind PURE3D, a project in which Costas Papadopoulos and Susan Schreibman are developing an infrastructure for the preservation and publication of 3D scholarship. In the future, the platform may also provide a new way of accessing cultural heritage, from the Battle of Mount Street Bridge to Limburg’s mines and the Smithsonian. 

Lee Bouwman, a vascular surgeon and endowed professor of Clinical Engineering, is bridging the gap between technology and clinical practice. Innovations range from the use of robotics in aortic stenting and knee replacement surgery to the localisation of breast tumours using magnetic seeds and iron oxide.

What will the sustainable city of the future look like? To answer this question, we shouldn’t just ask experts, says postdoctoral researcher Özlemnur Ataol. The youngest users of the urban environment—children—should get a say too. Creating cities in which they can thrive will benefit people of all ages. 

Supervised by Anne Roefs, Leo Pimpini conducted PhD research on the effects of mindset and BMI on food-related cognition and behaviour. In his dissertation, he dispels a number of prejudices about obesity.  

This time, Soul Kitchen offers a peek into the kitchen of David Baiao Barata, born and raised in Portugal. For him, every meal starts with a splash of olive oil and some garlic. And we meet alum Natalia Westermann, who became an entrepreneur following her master’s in Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management. She now runs a sustainable vintage-clothing store in Maastricht.

Read about all this and more in the February issue of UMagazine!

UMagazine stories

  • What will the sustainable city of the future look like? To answer this question, we shouldn’t just ask experts, says postdoctoral researcher Özlemnur Ataol. The youngest users of the urban environment—children and young people—should get a say too. Creating cities in which they can thrive will...

  • How can 3D models be preserved? This is the idea behind PURE3D, a project in which Costas Papadopoulos and Susan Schreibman are developing an infrastructure for the preservation and publication of 3D scholarship. In the future, the platform may also provide a new way of accessing cultural heritage....

  • Lee Bouwman, a vascular surgeon and endowed professor of Clinical Engineering, specialises in the implementation of groundbreaking healthcare technologies. The key to success, he says, lies in the collaboration between engineers and clinicians. This approach has already resulted in a range of...

More news items
  • How an honours programme is staving off brain drain

    In the KE@Work programme, students solve a complex, real-world problem while working at a local company. An honours track of the bachelor’s in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, KE@Work provides ambitious students with valuable work...

  • The coming years will see tens of thousands of homes in the Netherlands undergo extensive renovation and modernisation. While the main goal is to improve energy efficiency, researcher Juan Palacios is interested in understanding the impact of home renovations on residents’ health. He will spend the...

  • David Baião Barata was born and raised in Castelo Branco, in eastern Portugal. His mother cooked typical Portuguese cuisine: hearty soups, lots of meat, everything doused in olive oil. It was only during his studies in cell and molecular biology in Lisbon that he began cooking for himself. And it...

  • Does she ever indulge in pizza? “Absolutely! And crisps, too”, laughs Anne Roefs, professor of Psychology and Neuroscience of Abnormal Eating and head of the Eat Lab research group at Maastricht University. Equally, Leo Pimpini, a native of Venice who completed his PhD under Roefs’s supervision, is...

  • Picture an audience of some 4,000 people, all staring at a big screen presenting the nominees. The suspense builds. “And the award goes to ... ” The annual iGEM competition in Paris could just as well be called the Oscars of Synthetic Biology. Last November, the UM student team SublimeStone came...

  • Last year, Maastricht University further strengthened its profile in science and technology by launching a Bachelor in Computer Science. The response exceeded all expectations, with the first cohort of 300 students from all over the world starting the programme in September. “Computers and...

  • His second novel, The Invisibles, was recently published to high praise in the major Dutch newspapers. Author Frank Nellen is still floored by the response. Winning the Nederlandse Boekhandelsprijs 2024, a Dutch book award that is awarded by Dutch booksellers, was the cherry on top of the cake. It...

  • UMagazine

    A gift from heaven

    Research on women’s health, childhood obesity, a cancer screening tool, anxiety in older people with dementia, severe brain damage—Maastricht University researchers affiliated with the University Fund Limburg work on a wide range of topics. What do they have in common? They are bursting with...

  • Can neurofeedback help police recruits become more psychologically resilient? In its search for an answer, the Special Intervention Service of the Central Unit of the Netherlands Police approached Andreas Bressler, PhD candidate in cognitive neuroscience. His research focuses on improving emotion...

  • After graduating from Public Policy and Human Development at Maastricht University, she became a librarian at the House of Commons, the lower house of the UK parliament. Here, Georgina Sturge explains what numbers do and don’t mean to policymakers and the public.

  • He knows everything there is to know about potatoes—he earned a PhD in the subject. Since then, the scope of Jan van den Berg’s work has widened. The new professor of Plant Envirogenetics studies the relationship between plant genetics, growing and storage conditions, and quality factors such as...

  • They may study an unconventional group, but they have fun doing so. Lynn van Vugt and Mark Levels focus on NEETs: young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training, and are difficult to engage. Van Vugt’s PhD research—supervised by Levels, professor of Health, Education and Work—produced...

  • When she first laid eyes on the AGA cooker during the viewing five years ago, she knew the house was meant to be hers. To Alexx Allen-de Rijk, who grew up in the United States and England, this iconic stove brand is the epitome of home comfort. Her best friend Pip’s parents had one. “When we came...

  • Nozizwe Dube’s life reads like a novel. The 27-year-old was born in Zimbabwe and, at the age of 14, was reunited with her refugee mother in Belgium. Determined to fight injustice, she became the chair of the Flemish Youth Council within just a few years. She is now a PhD candidate at the Faculty of...

  • In Europe, particularly in the Netherlands, RegMed XB is gearing up to take on the United States, Japan and Israel in the field of regenerative medicine. ReGEN Biomedical—affiliated with Maastricht University and a spin-off of RegMed XB—is building a facility to grow human tissue that will one day...

  • Daisy Jonkers, scientific director of the NUTRIM research institute and professor of Intestinal Health, is calling for more inclusivity and diversity in scientific research. Why is this important, and how can we make research more diverse? “It’s no longer just about the number of publications or...

  • UMagazine

    A fan of the snack bar

    For Klasien Horstman, professor of Philosophy of Public Health, science is the “realm of freedom.” Unfortunately, reality is more intractable. She is irritated by the patronising lifestyle interventions imposed top-down on groups that have been epidemiologically classified as high risk. “The ‘you...

  • Inspired by his childhood dream of becoming a professional cyclist, UM alum Dajo Sanders decided to study Human Movement Sciences. His other dream did come true: he ended up working in pro cycling. He is now a trainer/coach for one of the world’s best teams, INEOS Grenadiers. “The magic of cycling...

  • After roaming the world, Alice Pan moved to Maastricht in 2020 for the master’s in International Business. She is now a coordinator at EDLAB - the Maastricht University Centre for Teaching & Learning. She previously worked as a tutor in the International Business bachelor programme, an English...

  • UMagazine

    Studying on the plane

    Maastricht University alum and orthopaedic surgeon Yuhan Tan studied medicine while competing in badminton at the highest level. Juggling student life and competitive sport was challenging, but doable. He received support from the university in the form of acquired skills, accessible lecturers and...

  • The bachelor’s programme in Medicine at Maastricht University is undergoing a major overhaul. Not only will its curriculum be brought into line with the latest societal and medical developments, but its teaching method will also change. The students who started the English track of the Bachelor of...

  • Carolin Muschalik and Lukas Figge-Muschalik met in 2014, when Lukas was doing a PhD and Carolin was finishing her master’s at Maastricht University. One year ago they left on a trip around the world, intending to explore, enjoy life and satisfy their curiosity, but also to contribute to a more...

  • Marlies Gijs is doing pioneering work in the booming field of tear-fluid research. The analysis of tear fluid is a promising alternative to more invasive examination methods, which can be both painful and risky. And it is proving its worth in neurological research, with the tears of Alzheimer’s...

  • Valentina Golunova, Anna de Jong and Ruben Tans, PhD candidates at the Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL), organised a workshop on the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on EU law. Issues such as sanctions against Russia and the temporary protection of Ukrainian refugees pose legal...

  • She was the first woman in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be appointed Legal Adviser, the chief civil servant in its International Law department. She relished negotiating between parties at a global level. Now she serves as a neutral arbiter in another international legal setting, as a...

  • This year, Lea Beiermann earned her PhD from Maastricht University. Her dissertation, A co-operation of observers, examines the role of amateur microscopists in the late 19th century. For her research, she made use of citizen science, similar to the microscopists in her book. One of her supervisors...

  • The trailblazing cohort of the Global Studies bachelor programme has graduated. Gaia Gazzara and Vincent Tadday look back on transdisciplinarity, challenging yourself and integrating new perspectives.

  • On the Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, paediatrician Edgar van Mil and psychologist Remco Havermans hold the Youth, Food and Health chair at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • The PhD research of Karlien Strijbosch focuses on Senegalese migrants who were forced to return home after a stay in Europe. Doing justice to such stories is no easy feat, especially when you come up against walls of silence, distrust and shame. Strijbosch and her supervisor Valentina Mazzucato...

  • Professor Fred Zijlstra is set to retire in May. How does he look back on his career? What is his take on current developments in the field of work and organisational psychology? And how can we, as a society, best organise work—now and in the future?

  • After several rocky years, Maastricht University alum Lea Vink has found her feet in Vienna. Professionally, she is taking new steps at the crossroads of aviation and organisational psychology. And on a personal level, luck has smiled on her since her transition from man to woman.

  • In September Cengiz Akbulut was made head of the laboratory of the new Stem Cell Research University Maastricht (SCRUM). Here he discusses multiculturalism, the origin of life and his love of swing dancing.

  • The number of foreign students arriving at Dutch universities will not be restricted, at least for the time being. This is a good thing, according to ongoing research by Carla Haelermans from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) and Patrick Bijsmans from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences...

  • EU immigration and asylum law are plagued by disharmony and dysfunction. Lilian Tsourdi, assistant professor of International and European Law, is investigating how to improve the situation.

  • Why do humans act the way they do? To answer this complex question, Hannes Rusch has to be a bit of everything: economist, biologist, philosopher, mathematician. He recently received a €1.5 million ERC Starting Grant to develop and empirically validate an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for...

  • Is sustainability worthwhile? Or is it only worth it if it makes financial sense? Professor in Real Estate Finance Nils Kok and Professor of Planetary Health Pim Martens discuss.

  • As a student of Business Administration at Maastricht University, Alberic Pater had no clear-cut career plans. The penny dropped when he was studying in Pretoria, South Africa.

  • It all started with an unexpected discovery. Bart van Grinsven, associate professor of Sensor Engineering, figured out how to detect microparticles—bacteria, toxins and proteins—in a liquid using a rapid testing method based on heat transfer. Through the startup Sensip-dx, Jaap Drenth is now turning...

  • Things are bustling around the kitchen table of Burak Can, associate professor of Data Analytics and Digitalisation. A mix of Turkish, English and Dutch can be heard. “I speak Turkish with my children, my wife Ingrid speaks Dutch with them, and we speak English with each other.” On the menu is one...

  • Gera Nagelhout is, in many respects, not a typical professor. She was the first in her family to attend university, and at the age of 34 was appointed endowed professor of Health and Wellbeing of People with a Lower Socioeconomic Position.

  • Computers are already capable of making independent decisions in familiar situations. But can they also apply knowledge to new facts? Mark Winands, the new professor of Machine Reasoning at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, develops computer programs that behave as rational agents.

  • Abdifatah 1

    To good health!

    From lab technician to FHML student to national decision maker: after spending a number of formative years at Maastricht University, Abdifatah Ahmed Mohamed has returned to his native Somalia. There he aims to make a difference as Director of Policy and Planning at the Ministry of Health and Human...

  • Professor of Clinical Chemistry Yvonne Henskens has prepared for this interview by laying out her most important cookbooks and whipping up a fig cake with eggs from her own chickens. “I prefer to make everything myself: bread, cheese, mayonnaise. I want to know how it works—in that sense I’m still a...

  • Increasing numbers of young people reportedly make regular use of low doses of LSD or other illegal substances to improve their cognition. Disquiet among parents and educational institutions is growing. Nadia Hutten investigated this phenomenon during her PhD, supervised by Professor Jan Ramaekers...

  • The first paper ever written by Jiaru Zheng, a second-year bachelor’s student in Digital Society, was published as a journal article. The paper focused on the pop music album 3811, in which singer Tan Weiwei advocates for the status of women in China.

  • From polarisation, misinformation and populists at home to geopolitical pressure from abroad: European democracy is feeling the strain. In an effort to uphold and expand one of its core values, the EU is financing a research project on the promotion of democracy. Professor Giselle Bosse, an Eastern...

  • Companies and governments are in dire need of specialists and managers with knowledge of three separate fields: data management, cybersecurity and privacy legislation. It’s a rare combination, prompting the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC) at Maastricht University to establish a...

  • The covid pandemic brought pressure to bear on many things. Neurology professor Karin Faber and assistant professor of Healthcare Management Daan Westra look back on a turbulent time.

  • Drones and the law

    They can do it already: deliver pizzas and medicines, inspect windows for cleanliness, monitor crowds. And all that autonomously, without a human driver. But how do you ensure that drones comply with laws and regulations? Professor of Private Law and technology expert Gijs van Dijck translates legal...

  • Placeholder

    A matter of courage

    The new dean of SBE, Marielle Heijltjes, is a product of Maastricht University. In 1985 she was among only the second cohort of business-economics students. “When I take office as SBE dean, I’ll be the first alum and the first woman in that role. I’ve always thought fondly of the school."

  • Teaching toddlers and pre-schoolers a healthy diet is not easy. But children are not preordained to dislike vegetables, say PhD candidates Anouk van den Brand and Britt van Belkom. The key to success: persist and reward.


  • Hanneke van der Tas

    From law to film

    In 1999, Hanneke van der Tas was one of the first students to graduate from UM’s brand new European Law School. She went on to earn a postgraduate degree from Harvard Law School. She passed both the New York Bar and the Paris Bar, seemingly destined for a career as a lawyer or judge. Then her life...

  • Melline Somers is the only child of a Thai mother and a Dutch father. During her studies, she developed a love of Italian cuisine too. Now a postdoctoral researcher at ROA, she discusses life between two—or even three—cultures.

  • Barbara Strating & Mieke Derickx

    Beyond beauty

    How does art reflect our community? How does our community express itself through art? Barbara Strating is the new curator of the Arts and Heritage Commission at Maastricht University. She succeeds Mieke Derickx, who is retiring after more than two decades in the role. Here they discuss curiosity...

  • This academic year, Maastricht University launched the bachelor’s in Circular Engineering. New programme director Gavin Phillips and first-year students Maria el Kadi and Lea Dratwa discuss the how and why of this degree, which will help students to address existing as well as future sustainability...

  • Jessica Steinlechner and her research group at Maastricht University are making their contribution to discovering into the origin and future of the universe in the form of mirror coatings that will improve our ability to make such measurements.

  • Are we really making progress towards the sustainable transition? One thing is clear: if we’re not, it’s not the fault of sustainability science.

  • One misconception that Milene Bonte and Giada Guerra want to dispel at the very start of this interview is the idea that people with dyslexia are less intelligent than others. The learning disorder is nonetheless a serious problem, affecting an estimated 5 to 10 percent of primary school children.

  • The Facebook Papers, a series of documents leaked by whistleblower Frances Haugen, brim with revelations. The company appears to have been fully aware of its role in the dissemination of false information and anger-inducing content. Moral philosopher Katleen Gabriels and data protection lawyer Paolo...

  • If we were to replace plastic with paper or glass, would the environment benefit? Surprisingly, no, says professor of Circular Plastics Kim Ragaert. She is calling for an alternative approach aimed at increasing awareness of and knowledge about recycling.

  • Frans Verhey, professor of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry is proud of what the Limburg Alzheimer’s Centre has achieved and of its team, which works tirelessly to improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer’s. “Alzheimer’s tends to be seen as a horrible, deadly brain disease that...

  • From a small room in a quarantine hotel in New Zealand, UM alum Moniek Mestrom discusses the importance of emergency medicine and her experiences as a ship physician. Never has she felt so free as during expeditions to the Antarctic and Greenland.

  • Late last year Matteo Bonetti, born and raised in Italy, successfully defended his PhD dissertation on factors that influence investment strategy.

  • Hildegard Schneider is set to say goodbye. As professor of European Migration Law and former dean of the Faculty of Law, her career coincided with the foundation and pioneering years of the law faculty. She herself made an important contribution to the profiling of Maastricht University as a...

  • PhD candidate Akudo McGee is studying the contestation of EU norms, particularly in Poland. An American citizen of Nigerian descent, she views the European project from an outsider’s perspective—with fascination and, increasingly, concern.

  • As a fresh-faced student, Jeroen Lenaers had no idea where a degree in European Studies would take him. The UM alum who simply ‘fell’ into a career in international politics was last year elected by VoteWatch Europe as the most politically influential Dutch MEP.

  • The world order is shifting. Putin continues to taunt Europe. China’s global expansionism seems limitless. And how to respond to the United States’ renewed desire for cooperation? The European Union’s answer should be greater strategic autonomy, says Sophie Vanhoonacker, professor of Administrative...

  • Ann Meulders, associate professor of Experimental Health Psychology, is working on a Vidi project focusing on pain avoidance, a proven predictor of chronic pain. As her PhD candidate Eveliina Glogan demonstrates in her dissertation, an important mechanism behind the generalisation of pain avoidance...

  • As a physician and clinical researcher, Frederic Schaper has one burning ambition: to create a ‘map’ of the network connections in the brain. The UM alum and his colleagues from Harvard Medical School expect to publish their first, promising results this autumn.

  • Together with her master’s students, Milena Pavlova is investigating the access to healthcare of undocumented migrants. Her findings give cause for concern: in many countries, this group has no or little access to healthcare.

  • Professor Yvonne van der Meer is investigating how companies can improve the sustainability of their products. She analyses every material, exposing the lifecycle in its entirety.

  • Sexual harassment in public is becoming a punishable offence. It’s a good idea, says Suzan van der Aa, professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, but one that doesn’t go far enough. “Sexual harassment in the workplace is common too, and usually has a greater impact on the victims.”

  • Graciëlla van Vliet studied Econometrics in Maastricht, followed by a master’s degree in Rotterdam—a near guarantee for a top job at a top organisation. Instead she opted for independent entrepreneurship.

  • The 37-year-old Hilde Verbeek was appointed on 9 July as professor of Long-Term Care Environments at the Living Lab for Ageing and Long-Term Care Limburg. She may be relatively young, but her research, academic record and vision of care for older people all bear witness to her maturity, erudition...

  • When it comes to food, Didier Fouarge has a wealth of happy memories. An only child raised in Namur, Belgium, he was used to eating fresh, delicious food from an early age. For this economics professor, cooking is more than a mere hobby.

  • Emilie Sitzia has been awarded a prestigious Comenius Leadership Fellowship for a three-year project focused on teaching sensory skills beyond the visual – from hearing to feeling and smelling. Lick this article to increase your likelihood of remembering it.

  • With no fewer than three forensics chairs, Maastricht University is unique in the Netherlands. Bela Kubat, professor of Forensic Pathology, Paul Hofman, professor of Forensic and Post-mortem Radiology, and Wilma Duijst, professor of Forensic Medicine and Health-Related Criminal Law, discuss the...

  • poetin

    DisUnited Russia

    Cybersecurity and Russian politics are global concerns—but digital technology is playing an intriguing role in Russia’s own upcoming elections too. Russia expert Mariëlle Wijermars explains.

  • The pandemic has called into question the idea of a Europe without frontiers. Sarah Schoenmaekers and Martin Unfried—specialists in EU law and Euregional cooperation, respectively—search for answers.

  • ronit shiri-sverdlov

    Food is family

    What she eats matters less to her than who her tablemates are. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov, professor of Inflammation and Metabolic Health, is happiest when eating at home with her family. The chef is whoever feels like cooking, the food is whatever they happen to have on hand.

  • Marieke van den Beuken–van Everdingen was 49 when she obtained her PhD and 56 when she became professor of Palliative Medicine. “It took a while for me to find my feet. And in my day, internal medicine was still mainly a man’s world, which didn’t help either.” Here she talks about quality of life...

  • Constance Sommerey and her three colleagues play a key role in promoting, monitoring and drawing attention to issues of inclusion and diversity at UM. "Diversity and inclusivity touch the very core of society and thus also the heart of the academic world." Hillmann Batuo, a fourth-year medical...

  • Depression can behave in the same way as the economy, according to doctor and researcher Suzanne van Bronswijk. An approach based on econometric modelling can therefore help in deciding between treatment options.

  • At EGGXPERT, a local startup, two waste products from eggs are put to use in the production of facial masks and wound plasters. Co-founder Chang Liu was one of the first graduates of the master’s in Biobased Materials at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • Gerard van Rooij, professor of Plasma Chemistry, was the first PhD candidate of Ron Heeren, university professor and director of the M4I institute. Together they reflect on a pioneering period in which they took the first tentative steps in the development of imaging mass spectrometry.

  • Robert Horselenberg has been in charge of the Maastricht cold-case team since its creation about 10 years ago. Ten students, mostly from the master’s degree in Forensics, Criminology and Law, are given six months to study an existing cold case and come up with recommendations for the Public...

  • In 2014 Trudie Schils, professor of Economics of Education, was one of the driving forces behind the start of the Educational Agenda Limburg. The agenda is a long-term project seeking to improve education in the province and the connection to the labour market. The first concrete results have since...

  • After earning her master’s degree at the UM School of Health Professions Education (SHE), Zakia Dimassi is now back in Beirut, Lebanon, where she is an assistant professor at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center. There, she hopes to put her knowledge to good use, contributing to better...

  • A peek inside the kitchen of Mark Kawakami. Mark, assistant professor of Private Law, grew up in Japan and Hawaii. Omotenashi, Japanese hospitality, was drilled into him from an early age, but when it comes to food, he prefers the spicy cuisines of Thailand or Mexico to that of Japan.

  • tate modern

    Life in the museum

    In August 2020—the year of the coronavirus—Vivian van Saaze, associate professor at FASoS, moved with her husband and daughter to London for a fellowship at the renowned Tate museum.

  • Cognitive Neuroscience alum Job van den Hurk works as a data scientist and scientific manager at the MRI centre Scannexus. He is also ‘the prof’ in Brainstorm, a youth television programme on NPO Zapp. His passion: making neuroscience accessible.

  • vd walle

    Reaching for the stars

    Portrait of Bartel Van de Walle who has been director of UNU-MERIT since September 2020

  • Global Studies—the name of the new Maastricht University (UM) bachelor’s programme sounds perfectly Promethean. Yet the concept makes a lot of sense; indeed, it may well be the most pragmatic approach to preparing students for the 21st century.

  • Elvira Loibl defended her PhD in early 2019 for her research on illegal practices in the world of international adoption. “As a criminologist, I know that every transaction has a dark side. I wanted to bring that to light.” André Klip, professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and the...

  • One from Italy. One from Romania. Both sharing a house in Maastricht while getting their PhDs. Both earning their degrees with the distinction cum laude. Matteo Bonelli and Daniel On share about their life and research at the Maastricht University Faculty of Law.

  • Anna Goldberg is currently writing her dissertation on the role of addiction in criminal law from a neuroscientific perspective under the supervision of David Roef, endowed professor of Criminal Law.

  • A radiation oncologist by training, Philippe Lambin does not limit his research to a single disease. His latest achievement: three European grants for his research on COVID-19.

  • In 2016 Marta Dávila Mateu, now a graduate of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, moved to Maastricht, a city completely unknown to her. Her choice turned out to be a double-edged sword. She found the lack of skate culture depressing, but enjoyed her studies, especially the focus on the...

  • The outbreak of COVID-19 meant that, as of mid-March, education at UM suddenly had to be offered entirely online. Together with their team, Nicolai Manie, programme manager for online education, and Simon Beausaert, associate professor of Workplace Learning, faced the almost impossible task of...

  • Japanese sake set

    From leek to sashimi

    A peek inside the kitchen of Annemie Schols

  • Christian Hoebe, professor of Social Medicine and head of Infectious Disease Control at the GGD Zuid-Limburg, discusses his passion for social medicine, his childhood in Alkmaar and, of course, the fight against COVID-19.

  • The MCICM received funding from the NWO/SIA for research into ways in which symphony orchestras can involve their audiences more actively in concerts. And then the corona crisis hit. Peter Peters, director of the MCICM explains what this means for the research and talks about the insights thus far.

  • Associate Professor in public health ethics Peter Schröder-Bäck studied the effects of the European debt crisis on health. He is now advising  policymakers across Europe on the ethics of responding to the corona crisis.

  • Professor Anselm Kamperman Sanders and Dr Anke Moerland, both at the Faculty of Law, received a grant from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme for their project EIPIN Innovation Society, which assesses the role of IP in innovation cycles.

  • Before she began her PhD, Sanne Schreurs thought “important people” were standoffish. Then she met her supervisor, Professor Mirjam oude Egbrink. “I was surprised at how sweet and supportive she was.” According to the findings of their research, the selection procedure for Medicine predicts study...

  • Portrait of Rainer Goebel, professor of Cognitive Neuroscience. An academic overachiever, the Netherlands’ first Tesla driver and hacker of the first iPhone, Goebel is also a farmer’s son and a family man.

  • Can you reduce the room temperature of your home and still feel comfortable? Can you keep up the habit of doing fewer loads of laundry? Yes and yes, according to the findings of the ENERGISE project, which challenged 300 households in eight countries to reduce their energy consumption.

  • Due to an acute shortage of organ donors, hundreds of people die each year in the Netherlands and Belgium alone. One large group of potential donors may not even be aware that they can donate their organs: people who opt for euthanasia. For his PhD research, Jan Bollen studied the issue of organ...

  • It started with an international phone call from the lawyers of the Norton Simon Museum in California. Not long after that, assistant professor Lars van Vliet served as an expert witness in a important court case. The stakes: a diptych by Lucas Cranach the Elder, which the heiress of the Jewish art...