How businesses can help build a more sustainable world – Nancy Bocken

To tackle urgent planetary challenges such as resource depletion and climate change, we need to fundamentally rethink the way we do business.  As part of her research, Professor Nancy Bocken, Professor in Sustainable Business at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI), focuses on the topic of business as a potential source for good in society. Through her work, she explores finding ways to break the ‘idea-action gap’ for sustainability.

Nancy has developed different archetypes of sustainable business models and strategies for the circular economy: an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources. Nancy also explores how companies might experiment with new sustainable business models as part of a European Research Council project she leads called Circular X.

If you are running a business and are looking for ways to transition towards a circular business model, we invite you to reach out to Nancy Bocken via her LinkedIn. You can also find more information about Nancy's research on the check out the Circular X website.

This video is part of our series ‘Talking Business and Economics’ in which experts share their insights and knowledge on different topics in the field of business and economics.

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